Monday, September 30, 2024

"Can Nations Be Baptized? "| Peter J. Leithart | First Things 

"In baptizing nations, the church also confers new purpose on them, incorporating them into Jesus's Messianic mission. A baptized nation is called to devote its unique gifts and capabilities to the service of God. A baptized nation is no longer its own, can no longer seek only its own interests. A baptized nation says both "We belong to God" and "We exist to witness to and advance the kingdom of Jesus the Christ." The church's mission is to incorporate nations into the mission of Jesus by baptizing them into the body of Christ.

Few churches believe this today. Few believe it's possible for nations to be baptized, to become children of Zion, or to serve the mission of Jesus. To put it more prosaically, few churches believe it's the church's business to shape national purpose and vocation. Is it any wonder the nations rage and wander?"